Friday, January 13, 2006

Lines are fun!

Right, so my mom, aunt, grandpa, a couple of cousins, and some family friends went to the art museum to see this "Treasures from the Royal Tombs of Ur" thingy. Since it's Friday, we got in free (yay!) but there was this big huge line (boo!). Therefore, we spent like 45 minutes waiting in line (could be more or less; I was feeling too lazy to actually keep track of time). Also, when we got there to meet everyone else, we had to stick together (of course), and in order to do that we had to all group up in front of this one lady that seemed to have slept on a bed of nails last night. She kept whining and going "Well, who ELSE is joining you, eh?!" and I'm thinking, 'Lady, there's only one of you. You're welcome to cut back in front of us, but guess what! The art ain't going anywhere!' Honestly, I think she and my aunt were about to start duking it out in the hall. (Never mess with the mother of a two-year-old.)

Other then that, I wouldn't say that anything earth-moving or really all that great happened around here since the last update. Well, there is one thing: I get to test for my green belt on the 21st, go me! Oh yes, who's sticker chart is bigger than yours!

Current Mood: Satisfied

Random Useless Fact of the Day: England once had a government position that involed holding a bell and ringing it if the holder saw Napoleon coming. That job wasn't done away with until after WWII.

EDIT: And I cannot believe I forgot to post about this. Everyone, be aware that I think that I saw a flying pig, as my brother Phil finally got married (GASP). Phil, go ahead and hit me for not mentioning this. Also, one of my older cousins (there are a lot of cousins), Kerri, got married the week after Phil's wedding, so I guess the whole wedding thing is becoming a weekend habit. (Kerri, you can hit me if you're reading this.)
Highlights: The toasted ravioli at Phil's reception, and Grandpa saying that he was supposed to pray after the toast but he didn't see any (and so the kitchen folks actually made him toast), the wedding itself, my eight-year-old cousin filming about 15 minutes of Phil's wedding, and later deciding at Kerri's wedding to turn off the camera when Grandpa started speaking, the throwing of paper airplanes at Kerri and her new hubby, another cousin and I standing there while Kerri threw the bouquet, and the time that a bunch of family and friends got to spend together for something happy instead of a funeral. (Thought I'd end with a sentimental note there.)


ahbahsean said...

Runt - So despite the crowds was "Ur" worth seeing because it's been on my 'things to do if i find the time' list for a while now?

Runtiness said...

I think it's pretty interesting. We all had the audio tour; it explains a whole lot about the customs when it comes to the whole "quees dies" thing. I found it interesting; it's really sort of a either love it or hate it event.

Runtiness said...

I'm just leaving things here to laugh at you, spammer. I. Am. 15. That means I HAVE NO MONEY TO INVEST. I'm BROKE. Think FLIES COMING OUT OF MY POCKETS. I'm so po' I can't even use the last two lettrs! *points and laughs*