Monday, November 14, 2005

Mr. Head, Meet Mr. Desk.

Dear Stupid:

If you walk into a pet store and buy a dog that they say is a chihuahua, please read up on the breed. A chihuahua puppy should not be weighing 5-10 pounds. Heck, an adult chihuahua shouldn't weigh that much. Therefore, it is not a pure-bred chihuahua, or the poor thing has some pretty crappy genes.

Also, once it gets through your skull that it isn't a purebred chihuahua that you paid $800 bucks for, try actually taking responsibility. Like, say, actually knowing that you want a dog. Impulse buyers of dogs suck pretty bad, particularly if they dump it on an animal shelter doorstep.

In closing: Do homework and think with your brain, plzkthxbai!

With absolutely no love,
The Management

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