Wednesday, March 02, 2005


My least favorite kind of doctor has to be the dentist. And why not? As taken from the wonderful Bill Cosby, they poke around in your mouth and try to talk to you ("So, how's your life going so far?" "Ah heen hokai. Hoo i' een har."), they tell you not to pick your teeth with any sharp metal objects and immediately prod your mouth with an iron hook, and they stick a little white sucky thingy in there. ("This will suck up your face.")

Had to get a couple teeth repaired this morning. Nothing like waking up and thinking 'Oh, yay, I get to have some dude with a funny name poking around in my mouth!'. I had an extra cusp on a couple of my molars and apparently that was inviting junk, so I got to spend the day with my face feeling like it had slid off my skull (yet more Bill Cosby).

So my day was interesting. Yay.

Current Mood: Sleepy

Random Useless Fact of the Day: Latin for asparagus? Asparagus. Wow. What a stretch. Let's see how many times I have to fend off that one guy tonight...

1 comment:

fashy said...

Being a Dentistas have a big responsibility to all patient's. Without them the people smile could no longer happy.