Wednesday, January 05, 2005


History? It sucks. Got a lousy 46 percent... F minus minus. *veinpulse* Well, let's hope I do better on the make-up test... Grr.

It's not that I don't like school, I just wanna beat my head on a wall more than once in a while.

Man, I really need to get to the library to get that book I have to read for English... "April Morning" by Howard Fast. I'm not sure why, the the mere title gives me the heebie-jeebies. The last book I read that had a title that sounded all peaceful (and I mean graveyard peaceful, not rainy day peaceful) was "A Serperate Peace" and it was so flipping depressing I wanted to chuck it across the room...

But then, I'm probably just being melodramatic. But ya know what? I don't care.

Chosen starts in just a few weeks, yay!

Current mood: Twitchy.

Random Useless Fact of the Day: My latest celebrity guy crush is Liam Aiken ("Series of Unfortunate Events"). He's sooo hoootttt... *drools*

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